In college time I was very much confused about what to learn or what to not and I started learning python after watching 14+ hrs of tutorials on youtube you can learn Python on youtube.
After learning Python I don't know what to learn or make projects after watching more videos and reading other articles started to learn Web development
Web development includes Frontend, backend, database, API (application programming interface) and many more I was very scared to see all these terms and many more inside topics in it.
But if you start learning and making small project mot by completing all the tutorial videos and you will think that I will start doing once I will complete all the tutorials in this way you will stuck and can't escape hell and you will realize after some time that things will go clear in your mind how things work how to integrate javascript and how to add CSS style sheet
In my next blog, I will start teaching HTML and CSS by doing a small project and in this way you can escape the tutorial hell and will learn by doing.